My name is Dean Keinan. I'm a person in New York, from New Jersey.

I like asking questions, and expressing myself through the arts and sciences. If it makes light, sound, or imitates life, I'm at my most intrigued.

I work a day job as a software developer. You can read my resume here.

In my spare time I like working on small software projects, designing something entertaining, or just learning about something fascinating.

Enjoying live music has also been a longtime favorite activity of mine, and I do what I can to stay close to it.

about this website

This site is mostly made of HTML and CSS. I used Eleventy to generate it, and TailwindCSS to style it. Being pretty unfamiliar with web development, I took the opportunity to spend (waste?) a non-trivial amount of time learning my way through building it from scratch.

Once I come to terms with what a monumental timesink that was, I'll put up the source code and hopefully spare someone the same fate.